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Friday, January 20, 2006

Microsoft SQL 2000 - Profiler Help

I am trying to trace down some connection related issues on MS SQL 2000 Server. I am using SQL Profiler. I try to figure out how to monitor opening and closing connections.

At the "Trace Properties", you get the following "Available event classes":

Cursors, Database, Errors and Warning, Locks, Objects, Performance, Scans, Security Audit, Server, Stored Procedures, Transactions, TSQL, User Configurable

As I try to find values (events) regarding connection handling, I press F1 and look at the possible event classes and their Descriptions (same is here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/adminsql/ad_mon_perf_6koi.asp)

Possible categories:

Cursors, Database, Errors and Warnings, Locks, Objects, Performance, Scans, Security Audit, Sessions, Stored Procedures, Transactions, TSQL, User Configurable

Help says Sessions, reality shows Server... Description of Sessions: "Collection of event classes produced by clients connecting to and disconnecting from an instance of SQL Server."

(And Server category has only one element in it: Server Memory Change.)

Just so great ;)


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